Customer Service

Yes, we care about our customers. Our customer service department is 24/7 active. For any complaints and queries you can contact us on given numbers:+92-316-9993051, +92-316-8887142.

We care about your privacy. You can read our Privacy Policy here. The Privacy Policy is a part of our Terms of Service.

Online Store Policies

Yes, we have some detailed delivery policies. Kindly visit delivery policy page here.
There are several exchange policies highlighted by our company. To know our refund and exchange policy kindly visit our refund and exchange policy here.
Yes, specific cancellation policy is updated on our web. kindly visit our cancellation policy here.

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Payment Method Policey

You can place your order by adding products from our website into your cart. Add any discount codes if applicable and checkout. In Pakistan, you can use Cash on Delivery, Bank Payment Transfer, Credit/Debit card. Anywhere else in the world, choose Bank Payment Transfer option using our IBAN number.
Most of our customers avails our Cash on Delivery method, they find it comfortable and most reliable way while handing money to the rider after receiving their package.
After placing your desired products in to the cart you can choose option of Bank Payment transfer. Transfer your payment in Chiltanpure Account. Bank Name : Dubai islamic Bank / Account Number : 0850429001
Note: After transferring payment, you have to send screenshot of received invoice on our WhatsApp Business Number:92-316-8887142
After placing your order using Credit/Debit card, your order will go on hold for a while. After verification from our Team, your order will get confirmation. If you want to inquire about your order kindly contact our Customer Care Department:+92-316-8887142


Yes, we inform our regular customers via email in launching new product.
Without harsh chemicals, organic skin care products are less likely to cause allergic reactions, inflammations or irritations. If an allergic reaction does occur with the use of organic products, it would most likely be due to a natural ingredient (such as peanuts or strawberries), which would be easier to identify.
With fastest delivery service across Pakistan you will receive your order within 3 to 4 working days.
We appreciate our customers for choosing organic products and yes delivery charges are applied on ChiltanPure organic products.
Yes, you can have discount, if applicable according to company policies.
According to company’s cancellation policy you can cancel your order within 4 hours of ordering.
It is totally depending upon our sales policy. We mostly offer discount packages on special occasions.