Haloon (Halim) Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps in Weight Loss, Regulates Menstrual Cycle, Boosts Iron & Hemoglobin Level 150gm - ChiltanPure
Haloon (Halim) Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps in Weight Loss, Regulates Menstrual Cycle, Boosts Iron & Hemoglobin Level 150gm - ChiltanPure
Haloon (Halim) Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps in Weight Loss, Regulates Menstrual Cycle, Boosts Iron & Hemoglobin Level 150gm - ChiltanPure

Haloon / Halim / Garden Cress Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps In Child Height Growth

Vendor: ChiltanPure

Prime Fast Delivery

  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Treats Cough & Asthma
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Relieves Diarrhea
  • Boosts Iron & Hemoglobin Level
  • Regulates Menstrual Cycle
  • Beneficial for Lactating Mothers
  • Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer
  • Gross Weight: 180gm • Net Weight: 150gm
Rs. 599
Rs. 599
10 customers are viewing this product
Haloon / Halim / Garden Cress Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps In Child Height Growth

Haloon / Halim / Garden Cress Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps In Child Height Growth

Rs. 599

Haloon / Halim / Garden Cress Seeds – Immunity Booster, Helps In Child Height Growth

Rs. 599

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Note: Organic products can naturally attract bugs. To keep them away, tightly seal the jar after use and keep it in a cold, dry place.

ChiltanPure Haloon / Halim / Garden Cress Seeds

Haloon benefits

What is Haloon Seed

ChiltanPure Protein-Rich Haloon Seeds, also known as Halim Seeds, are a powerful laxative that helps relieve indigestion and constipation discomfort. These seeds may enhance your heart health by increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin A-rich seeds may help cancer prevention and vision problems. Smoothies, salads, and other cuisines all benefit nutritionally from Halim seeds.

Haloon Seed Price In Pakistan Looking for Haloon ke beej price in Pakistan? Buy haloon seeds directly from the official store. Buy Garden Cress Seeds Online from ChiltanPure.com, Halim Seeds Price in Pakistan is Rs. 599 at ChiltanPure. Get Delivery in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Across the Country.
Seller Choice Price in Pakistan
Tea Tree Oil Rs. 1,199
SOURCE: Sources

Buy Garden Cress Seeds Online from ChiltanPure.com, Halim Seeds Price in Pakistan is Rs. 599 at ChiltanPure. Get Delivery in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Across the Country.

Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Use Thufaa’ (cress) because Allaah has made in it, a healing for every sickness.” [Reported by Ibn as-Sunni and Abu Na’em, and as-Suyooti mentioned it in Faid al-Qadeer]

How does it work?

These seeds are regarded as “functional superfoods,” which promote general health and wellbeing while preventing diseases and providing nutrients.

Rich in iron and folic acid, these seeds can help those with iron deficiency anaemia. Halim Seeds have a lot of antioxidants, which promote a healthy lifestyle. They promote stable blood sugar levels.

Amazing Facts

  • Haloon Seeds are a good source of fiber, which requires longer to digest and prevents overeating.
  • Halim seeds with honey are beneficial for treating cold, headache, asthma, sour throat, and cough.
  • These seeds also contain essential fatty acids, which aid in improving memory.
  • Haloon Seed’s regular intake may help diabetics lower their blood glucose levels. Insulin deficiency has also been observed in it.
  • Organic Halim seeds helps the fight against cancerous cells. The healthy cells are protected from the harmful effects of the anti-cancer treatments by this chemoprotective agent.
  • If you’re trying to conceive, add Haloon seeds to your diet because they help improve fertility.
  • Immunity Booster seeds are useful for those recovering from coronavirus.

Haloon Seed Benefits

Promotes Weight Loss

The protein content of Halim seeds makes them a superfood. These seeds can be a part of your diet if you work out regularly and want to build muscle strength.

Those trying to control their hunger and lose some extra pounds may find huge benefits from drinking Halim water, prepared from Halim seeds mixed with water. They are very nutritious and can also control the hunger hormone (ghrelin) to prevent overeating.

Treats Cough & Asthma

The bioactive compounds found in Haloon seeds are plenty and can help to improve lung functions. As a result, regularly consuming them can aid in reducing asthmatic symptoms.

Chewing on this superfood may also help to treat cough and sore throat. Thus, they are a must in your diet as the seasons change.

Boosts Immunity

Before consumption, Haloon seeds must be cleansed, as they have nutrients like calcium and vitamin C that help the immune system.

Halim seeds are a great food source for enhancing the body’s immunity from infections and diseases. They should be dissolved in water before being consumed.

Relieves Diarrhea

Halim seeds are a great bowel cleanser due to their high fiber content. Therefore, they help relieve constipation and related issues like bloating and cramps.

Halim seeds have a variety of perks. If you eat these seeds, your body’s nourishment will boost. Even though it is a superpower of nutrition does not mean you should overeat. Enjoy its great benefits by keeping your intake to 3–4 times per week.

Ideal for People Suffering from Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular disorders (CVD), hypertension, and high cholesterol are prevalent. Regular intake of Haloon seeds is beneficial for those with heart diseases.

Boosts Iron & Hemoglobin Level

These seeds are a beneficial superfood if you aren’t getting enough iron. The iron in one tablespoon of these seeds is massive—12 mg.

We can get the recommended daily iron intake by only eating one tbsp. Halim water can treat anemia and boost hemoglobin levels when consumed twice daily for two months.

Eating Haloon seeds boosts teenage females’ hemoglobin levels, as per research.

Regulates Menstrual Cycle

Haloon seeds are rich in phytochemicals that simulate estrogen, a hormone that has a variety of roles in the female body. The active ingredients in these seeds help in controlling the irregular menstrual cycle.

Halim Seeds Benefits For Height

Halim seeds, also known as aliv seeds, are believed to promote height growth due to their potential to stimulate the production of growth hormones. While scientific research on this specific claim is limited, traditional medicine practices have long associated halim seeds with height increase. These seeds are rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which contribute to overall health and development. However, it's important to note that genetics, diet, and exercise play crucial roles in determining final height. While halim seeds may offer potential benefits, they should be consumed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle for optimal growth and development.


Consult your doctor before adding these seeds to your diet if you are already on medication that affects your hormones. Moreover, young girls should concern with their doctor before eating these seeds.

Storage Tips

  • Avoid from moisture
  • Store it at room temperature.


  • Do not exceed the recommended daily usage.
  • Intake of these seeds is not suggested during pregnancy.
  • Thyroid dysfunction patients shouldn’t consume Halim seeds.
    halon beej   haleem seeds / haloo sead / 

Promotes Weight Loss

The protein content of Halim seeds makes them a superfood. These seeds can be a part of your diet if you work out regularly and want to build muscle strength. Those trying to control their hunger and lose some extra pounds may find huge benefits from drinking Halim water, prepared from Halim seeds mixed with water. They are very nutritious and can also control the hunger hormone (ghrelin) to prevent overeating.

Treats Cough & Asthma

The bioactive compounds found in Haloon seeds are plenty and can help to improve lung functions. As a result, regularly consuming them can aid in reducing asthmatic symptoms. Chewing on this superfood may also help to treat cough and sore throat. Thus, they are a must in your diet as the seasons change.

Boosts Immunity

Before consumption, Haloon seeds must be cleansed, as they have nutrients like calcium and vitamin C that help the immune system. Halim seeds are a great food source for enhancing the body’s immunity from infections and diseases. They should be dissolved in water before being consumed.

Relieves Diarrhea

Halim seeds are a great bowel cleanser due to their high fiber content. Therefore, they help relieve constipation and related issues like bloating and cramps. Halim seeds have a variety of perks. If you eat these seeds, your body’s nourishment will boost. Even though it is a superpower of nutrition does not mean you should overeat. Enjoy its great benefits by keeping your intake to 3–4 times per week. Ideal For People Suffering From Heart Diseases Cardiovascular disorders (CVD), hypertension, and high cholesterol are prevalent. Regular intake of Haloon seeds is beneficial for those with heart diseases.

Boosts Iron & Hemoglobin Level

These seeds are a beneficial superfood if you aren’t getting enough iron. The iron in one tablespoon of these seeds is massive—12 mg. We can get the recommended daily iron intake by only eating one tbsp. Halim water can treat anemia and boost hemoglobin levels when consumed twice daily for two months. Eating Haloon seeds boosts teenage females’ hemoglobin levels, as per research.

Regulates Menstrual Cycle

Haloon seeds are rich in phytochemicals that simulate estrogen, a hormone that has a variety of roles in the female body. The active ingredients in these seeds help in controlling the irregular menstrual cycle. Consult your doctor before adding these seeds to your diet if you are already on medication that affects your hormones. Moreover, young girls should concern with their doctor before eating these seeds.

Beneficial For Lactating Mothers

Due to their high protein and magnesium content, as well as their galactagogues, Halim seeds are healthful for lactating mothers. Galactagogues are compounds that promote and maintain the mammary glands’ ability to produce milk. Breastfeeding women should be highly advised to consume Haloon seeds. For lactating women, Halim seeds in laddu’s’ have better properties.

Reduces Risk Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is not detected early in our society, so the survival rate is low. The best way to avoid this severe health issue is to lead a healthy lifestyle and be aware of it. Halim seeds have anti-carcinogenic effects. These seeds prevent cell damage from free – radicals because they are a useful source of antioxidants. Due to their effects can act as a natural chemoprotective agent, protecting people from cancerous growth. Glycosylates, a compound found in these seeds, help inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Good For Skin

For healthy skin, vitamins A, C, and E are essential. Flavonoid, present in Haloon Seeds, helps brighten the skin naturally and removes dark patches by giving it an even tone. To heal sunburn, irritated and dry skin, and chapped lips, Seeds can be mixed with some water and honey to make a thick paste that can be applied to the skin.

Improves Hair Health

Haloon seeds are beneficial for your hair as well. They contain micronutrients, iron, and amino acids, which keep your hair healthier and stronger and help prevent hair loss, thinning hair, and split ends. Make sure to eat Halim seeds if you suffer from the alopecia and are young. Eating these seeds can also help middle-aged men who suffer from male pattern baldness. Let’s Add Nutritional Halim Seeds To Your Regular Diet Add 1 tablespoon of Haloon seeds to a cup of milk or fruit smoothie after soaking them in water. Add hand-ground Haloon seeds and a little black salt to salads. Add nuts and hand-ground Haloon seeds to the laddu. Mix finely chopped onions, green chilies, coriander leaves, and herbs in a bowl to make stuffed roti. Then, add powdered Haloon seeds.
Halim, wash the haloon seeds, then add 1/2 cup of water to soak them. Mix thoroughly, then set away to soak for 30 minutes. Use as required
Avoid from moisture
Store it at room temperature
Do not exceed the recommended daily usage.
Intake of these seeds is not suggested during pregnancy.
Thyroid dysfunction patients shouldn’t consume Halim seeds

Customer Reviews

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Momin Jovindah

Super product

Asfar Minhas
Great Package

Great package delivery right on time. Will definitely keep updated with ChiltanPure for more in the future

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