Jojoba Oil - Perfect Solution of Skin & Hair Problems [عناب] - ChiltanPure
Jojoba Oil - Perfect Solution of Skin & Hair Problems [عناب] - ChiltanPure

Jojoba Oil - Perfect Solution of Skin Hair Problems [عناب]

Rs. 1,999
Rs. 1,999

Prime Fast Delivery

  • Hair shine enhancer
  • Sunburn relief
  • Cuticle treatment
  • Fights acne
  • Healing properties
  • Anti-aging
  • Moisturizer
  • Re-growth of hair
  • Makeup remover
  • 140ml
Vendor: ChiltanPure
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Jojoba Oil - Perfect Solution of Skin & Hair Problems [عناب] - ChiltanPure

Jojoba Oil - Perfect Solution of Skin Hair Problems [عناب]

Rs. 1,999

Jojoba Oil - Perfect Solution of Skin Hair Problems [عناب]

Rs. 1,999

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ChiltanPure Jojoba Oil

ChiltanPure’s Jojoba Oil has many healing properties. The benefits of this specific oil are that it helps in hair and skin treatment, and it also contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to heal scabs and wounds. 

Buy Jojoba Hair Oil Online from, Jojoba Oil Price in Pakistan is Rs. 1,999 at ChiltanPure. Get Delivery in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and Across the Country.

Jojoba oil for the face is incredibly beneficial as it works as a moisturizer, makeup remover, lip moisturizer, anti-aging, and anti-inflammation. It also prevents skin diseases like Eczema and acne and keeps your skin glowy and hydrated. Jojoba oil has many benefits as it contains vitamin E, which works as an antioxidant on your skin and helps fight oxidative stress.

This oil has many significant advantages, it not only treats your skin to be beautiful, but it also helps make your hair shinier and re-growth. Jojoba oil for hair, protects you from dandruff caused by dryness of scalp and future infection of it, by nourishing the skin and providing ample nutrients to keep the scalp even and moist.

Amazing facts

  • Healing properties

It can cure sunburns, wounds, and acne.

  • Anti-aging

It prevents wrinkles and makes skin tight for you to look young.

  • Moisturizer

It keeps skin hydrated and moist and leaves a glowing effect.

  • Anti-bacterial

It creates a barrier and fights off the possible infections caused by bacteria.

  • Cures Skin conditions

It protects skin from conditions like Eczema and acne.

  • Hair growth

It takes care of split ends, dandruff, and scalp and gives you smooth, shiny, and thick hair.

key words 
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Jojoba can also kill or inhibit targeted bacterial or fungal infections. It forms a protective barrier that prevents the build-up of bacteria on the skin, preventing acne and other bacterial infections.

Treats Eczema

This best Jojoba Oil prevents acne, inflammation, and Eczema from destroying your skin. This fantastic oil provides multiple skin benefits, including stopping acne from occurring, as it clogs all open pores. It can also be applied on your lips and foot heels if cracked.

Acts As A Natural Moisturizer

It has powerful moisturizing properties, which makes it the best oil. It can be applied to cracked lips, heels, and scabs. It keeps your skin hydrated and moist and gives a glowing effect.

Heals Sunburns

Buxus Chinensis, also known as Jojoba oil, when applied to the skin, serves as a protective layer on your skin, restricting UV rays from entering and damaging the skin.


It consists of vitamin E and B, which does the work of an antioxidant and fights off oxidative stress from destroying your skin. It removes wrinkles and lines on the face to make your skin tight and wrinkle-free.

Gets Rid Of Dandruff

This oil is the best in the market for the treatment of hair. It contains certain acids known for conditioning and protecting the scalp from dryness. It heals damaged skin and provides ample fluid to keep your scalp soft and dandruff free.

Safe From Scalp Infections

It helps any scabs or wounds to heal and binds skin cells together. It nourishes your scalp, keeping it hydrated, and its anti-bacterial properties protect it from ant infections.

Enhances Hair Growth

Hair oil jojoba has vitamin E, which is beneficial for both hair and skin. It helps prevent split ends, moisturizes the scalp, and promotes hair growth, making them healthier, thicker, smoother, and shinier
Face Take 2-3 drops of oil for daily use
Hair Apply onto your Scalp and Massage 10 to 15 minutes. Better is if wash your hair after 2 hr

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Fasiha A.

Good experience

Sehrish Mubarak
Jojoba oil

This product is awesome and very helpful in nourishing the body . I truly recommend to use this oil in winters to avoid dandruff.

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