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When and why, you should use natural products

When and why, you should use natural products - ChiltanPure

In every girl's life, there comes a time when she feels that now she should switch from chemical products to natural products for her skin, hair body. Our skin, hair and body suffer a lot from environmental pollution, and when we treat them with chemical products, it becomes worse. Claims of the brands that publish their chemical infused products for skin, hair and body care are no more than a bunch of glossy words because no chemical can do wonders to your skin or hair. These chemical products may affect you for a short time and give you the required results, but they damage your skin or hair in the long run, and that damage is not easy to repair.

So, beware of those glossy bottles that attracts you and read the list of ingredients on the back of the bottle to scratch the surface and know the truth. It is more dangerous when a company hides the ingredient list from the customer because it is ethically and lawfully wrong to sell your product by hiding the harmful ingredients, which can cause harm in the long run.

Today we will discuss the reason that why and when you should use natural products.

They're better for the Environment:

Vitamin C Serum

Natural skincare products are better for the Environment than are synthetic skincare products. The reasons for this are numerous. First and foremost, synthetic chemicals can harm animals and plants with which they come into contact. Should the artificial chemicals from a manufactured product seep into the ground, they could have dire consequences on surrounding ecosystems.

Secondly, the processes associated with manufacturing traditional skincare products put great stress on the Environment. This is because the extraction of certain ingredients (aluminum, lead, etc.) requires mining. Mining produces a great deal of pollution, ultimately leaving a negative carbon footprint on the Environment at large. Natural skincare products forego the use of such ingredients and so don't necessitate mining. And because they use only natural ingredients, they cause no harm to the surrounding plants and animals.

They're Safer:

Vitamin-A Lotion

When compared to synthetic skin care products, natural skincare products are much safer. This is because the ingredients contained within natural products are much safer than those contained in manufactured products.

See, when a lotion is applied to the skin, the ingredients contained within it slowly sink into the bloodstream. From there, they have a direct effect on many of the body processes.

If the ingredients are beneficial, they'll have beneficial effects. On the other hand, if they're detrimental, they'll have adverse effects on the body. So, by using a natural skincare product instead of a synthetic one, you are essentially avoiding all adverse health effects. This will result in you feeling better and looking better.

Their Manufacture Doesn't Harm Animals:

Against Animal testing

You might be shocked at how many skincare product manufacturers test their products on animals. Many big names in the industry continue to do so, to the apparent detriment of the animals being tested. The good news is that natural skincare product manufacturers forego animal testing and do nothing to harm other living beings. In this sense, they are more ethical and empathetic than many of the synthetic brands.

If you're against animal testing and the humane treatment of animals, natural skincare products are the best way to go. They will prevent you from contributing to harmful and malicious practices.

They're Packed with Beneficial Nutrients:


The most poignant way to highlight the differences between synthetic and natural skin care products is to discuss their ingredients. The ingredient profiles of the two types of products are wildly different, to the point that they don't even resemble similar products. When you look at the ingredient label on a synthetic product, you'll see words such as Triclosan, Glyceryl Stearate, Dye #4, and Petrolatum; these ingredients are made in labs and, while capable of performing their function, can be detrimental to the body.

On the other hand, natural products are filled with familiar-sounding ingredients such as jojoba oil, argan oil, apple juice, lemon juice, and so on. These ingredients are not only not harmful to the body, but they're beneficial.

This is because they contain vitamins and compounds such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Resveratrol, alpha-hydroxy acid, and more, all of which help the body function at optimal levels.

They're Easier on the Skin:

Neem Clay

One of the biggest problems with synthetic skin care products is that they're harmful to some individual skin. Specific ingredients within these products can cause everything from swelling to redness to itchiness to outright allergic reactions. For this reason, they're better avoided altogether. Ingredients to look out for include parabens, sulfates, petrochemicals, synthetic dyes, propylene glycol, and triclosan—however, it's important to note that some other artificial chemicals can cause this problem as well.

This is why it's generally a better idea to opt for natural products. Natural products are free of irritants, and, instead of being a detriment to the skin, they are beneficial to it.

They Leave No Doubt About Your Health:

skin care

At present, there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the ingredients used in synthetic skin care products. While some belief these ingredients to be safe, others are sceptical, citing that very little independent research has been done on them. So, in essence, by using synthetic skin care products, you're throwing caution to the wind. For all you know, you're allowing harmful chemicals to seep into your bloodstream. In the long run, this could have dire consequences. The question you have to ask yourself is: are you comfortable gambling on your health? Is it worth it to potentially harm yourself with a synthetic product when you could just as quickly be using a natural product.

Remember: until a new ingredient has been tested, it's impossible to know what type of impact it could have on the body. You don't want to be one of the unfortunate souls' decades down the line, suffering from health problems that you could have avoided.

Buy Natural Skin Care Products Now:

skin care products

Are you interested in reaping the benefits of natural skincare products? If so, you're in the right place. Chiltan Pure has a wide variety of natural products for you to choose from.

Browse our skin restoration products now!

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1 comment

23 Nov 2024 Faiqa

I appreciate the depth of research in this blog. The information about salajeet’s history and its modern applications was really enlightening. I’m looking forward to trying it and seeing how it can improve my wellness routine.

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