Natural Remedies for Loose Skin
Natural Remedies For Wrinkles Sagging Loose Skin
Hey, in this article, I'll be sharing with you how to tighten up loose skin. You know this is something that can happen as we age and whether your issue is wrinkled sagging skin or loose skin anywhere in your body or even cellulite. These tips are going to go a long way in helping you firm and tone up your skin. I'll go through the best essential oils, the best herbs and supplements, and things that can help. Now here are some things I know about loose skin. Number one this can happen when you lose weight quickly. You know you can start to get some loose, saggy skin with weight loss. The other big thing here is aging as you age, you're naturally going to lose some muscle mass, which can cause sagging skin hormonal changes can be a risk as can smoking regularly. So let's jump in and talk about what are the best natural remedies for helping you turn firm and turn your skin. Well, one excellent natural resource is using essential oils regularly. One of my favorites is geranium. Now geranium it's therapeutic for the liver and kidneys.Geranium Rose is a unique form of geranium. That is my favorite to use for doing this. Now frankincense oil is referenced so many times. It's the most referenced essential oil in the Bible. It's been used for beauty treatments for thousands of years, and it contains a compound called pinyin, which has anti-inflammatory properties, but Frankincense is an edible oil that also helps with skin tone.
If somebody has age spots or sun-damaged skin, frankincense oil can help naturally heal that skin area and even out that skin tone. Still, it's also been shown to help firm and tone up the skin because of the unique compounds like pinyin found in this essential oils the same thing you can mix this with geranium and Hobart oil apply it directly to the surface. Now probably my favorite essential ought to do is overall for the skin. Now, this oil has been used throughout history to reduce bruising. If you're a person, that bruise is natural.
Get some of those black and blue spots are gone. Oil reduces inflammation and improves circulation to those areas as well, so argon oil. This is one of the number one carrier oils that's used in a mixture with essential oils for anti-aging on the skin. This is a great one to use on the face.
So I really recommend a collagen and supplement I would get a collagen and supplement that as multiple sources especially chicken turkey and fish collagen and are going to be the best sources or doing a bone broth powder in a smoothie every single day that's a bone broth a protein powder that's bone broth-based absolutely the best thereof you want to use. They've been clinically proven these supplements to help with skinny elasticity skin moisture dryness skin roughness help all of those things. And listen to this.
There is a double-blind placebo study that found that women between the ages of 35 and 50 who did about five grants two to two to five grams of collagen and a day saw improvements and all these things in just eight weeks, in fact, I had my relatives she started using a multi collagen and a protein supplement along with a bone bros supplement she said after just two weeks she noticed a tremendous difference in her skin her hair and her nails in a short period of time.
We've talked a lot about the food we've talked about supplements lifting weights, improving your overall muscle mass. It helps reduce sagging skin and cellulite and premature wrinkles and all of these things lifting weights regularly. I think for a lot of women as well. There is a fear that lifting weights will make them bulky. The truth of the matter is most women in terms of their hormones; they don't have high left levels of testosterone actually to increase muscle mass and that bulky fashion.
If anything they're feeling very toned and leaned infirm. It is the number one thing way ahead of cardio that women should be doing as they age not just to have beautiful fantastic tight firm skin but also for the health of their bones to prevent osteoporosis and overall to balance hormones. I mean lifting weights supports hormone production in the body lifting weights just even two to three days a week for 20 to 30 minutes has tremendous benefits on the body and reducing loose and sagging skin.

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